Richie Beirach & Christian Scheuber
produced by
Richie Beirach & Christian Scheuber
Executive producer
Philipp van Endert & André Nendza
Richie Beirach – Piano
Christian Scheuber – Drums, Percussion
About the album
Studio recording means pressure and stress . But it is a good kind of stress which brings out the best in myself and chris. Pressure can also create the diamond ! And we think we have created a diamond for you to listen to.
this duo cd is very close to my heart ,My good friend and great drummer christian scheuber and myself ;; no bass player !!unusual but actually very creative possibilities for different colors moods and spontaneous and written pieces ,plus on 3 improvised pieces our dear friend and colleague regina litvinova joins us on her synth with wonderful fresh sounds and amazing creative use of this instrument ,,Chris has become a master of creating interesting sound envirionments for my piano improvisations ,and written compositions ,His ability to anticipate and contrast my ideas are really uncanny . he is a strong drummer and totally comfortable in a swinging jazz feel but also much more ‚ That wonderful area which is in between rubato pulse and deep respect for the beat is his comfortable place to be musically ,a whole cd of duo musicwith just drums and piano is not easy to maintain interest throughout , but i am happy to report that we do ! regina litvinova joins us on synth for 3 incredible improvised pieces dedicated to the late great japanese composer toru takamitsu ‚ it was an idea from chris that we try to create a kind of takamitsu sounding mood with acoustic piano percussion and synth ,totu was my good friend and mentor and we worked together on some projects on my many trips to japan over the last 30 years ,takamitsu as a composer was able with just a few phrases to create beautiful and mysterious music that always opened up large vistas of creative possibilities for my own playing and writing ‚the only suggestion from me was to leave as much space as possible between your phrases ,try not to play complete ideas but rather leave things open for another player to continue or sustain ,very minimal ,,chris played with great restraint and taste creating these delicate but powerful moods of unexpected motion ,regina is constantly surprising uswith her brilliant creative use of her synth ,,we 3 weave a beautiful tapestry of improvised pieces honoring takamitsu , i hope somewhere he can hear our dedication to him and that he is enjoying it !!