Chat bizzare

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Mengamo Trio
Itchy & Sketchy

Mengamo Trio


  1. Boss (7:51) – Sebastian Scobel
  2. Song for George (6:11) – Philipp Brämswig
  3. Chat Bizarre (7:05) – Thomas Sauerborn
  4. Itchy & Sketchy (3:48) – Philipp Brämswig
  5. Santa Cruz (6:24) – Philipp Brämswig
  6. Critical mass (5:40) – Philipp Brämswig
  7. Thin curtain of drops (7:11) – Sebastian Scobel
  8. Consolation III (6:19) – Philipp Brämswig
  9. Full throttle (4:29) – Sebastian Scobel

produced by

Mengamo Trio

Executive producer

Philipp van Endert & André Nendza


Sebastian Scobel (org)
Philipp Brämswig (git)
Thomas Sauerborn (dr)

About the album

Rhythmically complex, adventurous, always interacting and with the same love for opulent sound as for the catchy song, the three sought-after musicians of the Cologne scene give the audience quite a ride. The trio, founded in 2012 and shaped by live performances in the legendary Cologne „Stecken“, impresses with a broad spectrum of sounds between electronic soundscapes, progressive rock elements and energetic free fusion playing. After the highly acclaimed debut CD „The one“, „Chat bizarre“ is now being released with exclusively original compositions, a sonic world that has matured over the years and a created symbiotic interaction.

Release Date: 2023/05/26
Catalogue-No.: 5166JS

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