Lajos Dudas


  1. For Gabor
  2. Maydance
  3. Blues for Rose
  4. Kukeri Dance
  5. Toledo
  6. Fountain
  7. Vehicle
  8. Walk in the city
  9. Autumn Leaves

produced by

Lajos Dudas

Executive producers

Alex Gunia & Philipp van Endert

Line up

Lajos Dudas – clarinet
Philipp van Endert – guitar
Martin Gjakonovski – bass (tracks 6-9)
Jochen Büttner – percussion (tracks 4 & 5)
Kurt Billker – drums (tracks 6-9)


He always favoured small Band formats and this is why the latest CD features only the Duo-, Trio- and Quartet setting. Live concert recordings with traditional as well as free tonal Jazz elements. By any means of freedom all the music pieces still seem melodious, flowing, loose and yet elegant. There is silence as well as tension – a variation of virtuosic melodies and soft sounds, beautiful and timeless. This is an art statement of Lajos Dudas how he sees the modern jazz clarinet in our days – always putting emphasis on “Jazz”.


Release Date: 2008/01/11
Catalogue-No.: 5019JS (CD)

Sample Track:

Lajos Dudas
Blues for Rose
The poetry of rhythm