Nerd Alert
- Nerd alert
- Chön charf
- Weird science
- Gekröse
- Sphere
- From now on
- Things happen
- Orbit
- Size does matter
produced by
Executive producer
Philipp van Endert
Line up
Goran Vujic – Bass
Ulf Stricker – Drums
Thorsten Praest – Guitar & Compositions
Why found a classic guitar trio with drums and bass nowadays? It is anyhow possible to invent something new? The question behind that “why” was superfluous after their first jam session in the studio of the drummer. The musical chemistry between them comes in the very first moment playing together and of course there was a lot of fun either, even the human component seems to be great. About the second question: Is it really necessary to invent new music? For this band project you can clearly say “no”. It is more about the musical passions of the members and trying to create a terrific mix out of inspiring music either at a live performance or at the studio. A CD could only be a recording moment, a good club concert in front of enthusiastic listeners it could not replace. How to enthusiast an audience? Here are some decisive criteria:
Joy of playing: this group is sparkling in joy. After two years rehearsing and one CD production the boys could not wait to conquer the stages now.
Authenticity: surely you can hear very strong influences in their music. Greg Howe, Scott Henderson, Dave Weckl, Vinnie Colaiuta, Jaco Pastorius and Gary Willis are the idols of these young musicians. But let us be honest, these ones are not bad addresses and the GUT mixture created by these exceptional talents is shining out of some very own at the end.
On their debut album “Nerd Alert” you can find powerful tracks like the title piece “Nerd Alert” or “Size does matter”, but also fine and sensitive ballads like “Sphere” or jazzy tunes on “From Now On” and “Gekröse”, Brazilian likes in “Chön Charf”, Drum&Bass in “Orbit” and finally two pieces for the lovers of odd meters in “Things Happen” and “Weird Science”.
A further confession for authenticity is the far-reaching renunciation of overdubs and other handcrafts. The result is an emerging transparent sound that helps to have the impression that the three guys unpack their instruments in a living room and give an exclusive private concert.
Release Date: 2010
Catalogue-No.: 5030JS (CD)