Roger Hanschels Heavy Rotation


  1. Liquid Missiles
  2. Vin (Part I)
  3. Extrembiose
  4. Vin (Part II)
  5. Warming Up
  6. Eigenheiten I
  7. Waiting
  8. Vin (Part III)

produced by

Roger Hanschel

Executive producer

Philipp van Endert

Line up

Roger Hanschel – altosaxophone
Markus Segschneider – guitar
Dietmar Fuhr – double bass
Daniel Schröteler – drums


With Heavy Rotation, Roger Hanschel is pursuing a long-term project. Among other things, it is about enlarging the area that his music’s tributaries feed into. The larger of these tributaries are as follows: firstly, contemporary jazz with its tonal, expressive and compositional riches, as it has developed in the circle of the Kölner Saxophone Mafia or in the duo Hasler Hanschel; secondly, the concentration on the sound and phrasing that Hanschel has cultivated in his solo projects and with the trio Triosphere; and thirdly, contemporary chamber music, whose horizons he has gauged with the contemporary quartet Ensemble Modern in Frankfurt.

The project consists of dealing with apparently diametrically opposed ways of expression in such a way that they don’t drown each other out or interfere with each other, but rather enrich each other and, one has to think of this, mutually give each other discipline. Heavy Rotation accommodates everything in one space: the sounds of the guitarist and the art of phrasing and articulation of the saxophone player, the multi-lingual, tonally intensive sophistication of the rhythm section, jazz techniques and minimal persistence, con arco techniques and swinging, marching pizzicati, tonally sensuous drum work, lush solo line playing and musical content serving the group. An ideal space for chamber music. Here, fresh, illuminated clarity dominates. The doors are open, the music rotates with energy from the spirit of rock, enlightened by contemporary jazz, formed by compositional intelligence at the height of the times. The chamber of this music has an astounding expansiveness.

Release Date: 2010/03/19
Catalogue-No.: 5032JS (CD)

Sample Track:

Roger Hanschels Heavy Rotation
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